Push and Clone Github Repos with ed25519 SSH Authentication for Lazy Devs

Lets setup GitHub so we can authenticate with ssh keys

What is the best way to noob out on GitHub?

One way is to authenticate with a password when pushing your code to the cloud. There is another way that is way more lazy and more secure (which you are about to learn). Another way is to use git and GitHub interchangeably.

Git and GitHub are not the same thing.

By the end of this tutorial you will have mastered the art of pushing and pulling from GitHub using ssh authentication.


Signup for GitHub

Head over to github.com and setup an account.

The account can be setup for free. Email and username is required.

Your username will be part of your public profile.

Make sure the username you choose is aligned with the types of companies you want to work for.

For example 420NoobSlayer69 is memorable so that’s a plus. But is that what you want to link people to on your resume?

Setup GitHub.com noreply email settings

Would you like more control over what email is associated with every GitHub action you initiate (or initiated on your behalf by GitHub)?

Well if the answer is no, do not skip this step.

Head over to github.com/settings/account. Towards the bottom of the page you will see a checkbox for Keep my email addresses private.

The privacy setting does not change how your local system is setup.

Setup Global Git Config Locally

Ensure you have git installed on your local machine before proceeding.

When you work locally and make commits the logs will show metadata for each entry. This metadata includes your name and email.

Set your name globally

git config --global user.name "your name"

Set your email globally

git config --global user.email "your email"

The global settings are being persisted in your ~/.gitconfig file. Try to use CLI commands to edit the config to prevent breaking it.

View the config using the cat command.

cat ~/.gitconfig

Generate SSH Keypair

Let’s generate a new ed25519 SSH keypair.

For a dedicated learning resource on creating an ed25519 keypair Check out the Officail Lazy Article titled How to Generate an ed25519 Key Pair for SSH Authentication

For the purposes of this tutorial we will create a keypair without a password using the -N '' flag.

It is your responsibility to assess the security implications of using ssh keys without passwords.

update the username in the command below

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 \
  -C "github.com::<username>" \
  -N '' \
  -f ~/.ssh/gh_ed25519 \

Esure correct private key permissions.

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/gh_ed25519

Update your local ssh config

Let’s setup your ssh config so juggling keys is no big deal.

Run the nano command on ~/.ssh/config. If the file does not exits nano will create one on save. If nano is not your thing, you can use any text editor you like.

nano ~/.ssh/config

Let’s create an ssh config block for our authenticating with GitHub. This configuration tells SSH which key to use when connecting to GitHub.

Host github.com
  HostName github.com
  User git
  IdentityFile /path/to/ssh-key
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes

UseKeychain is MacOS specific.

If your ssh key does not have a password, do not include UseKechain or AddKeysToAgent config.

Add public ssh key to GitHub

Let’s get the public key on your clipboard.


clip < ~/.ssh/gh_ed25519.pub


pbcopy < ~/.ssh/gh_ed25519.pub


cat ~/.ssh/gh_ed25519.pub

Head over to your account key settings page github.com/settings/keys

Test your config

If all is setup correctly you will see an output with your GitHub username confirming the connection.

ssh -T git@github.com

Create a project directory

Use the terminal to create a new directory and change into that directory.

mkdir github-ssh && cd github-ssh

Create a README.md file

Lets run a quick bash command to create a new markdown file with a title.

echo "# github-ssh" >> README.md

It is a good idea to have a README.md file in all your projects. The purpose of the file is to help new and returning visitors to your repository get oriented. Your future self and collegues will thank you.

If you want a crash course on markdown syntax, check out the Official GitHub article titled Basic Writing and Formatting Syntax

Initial Commit

Congratulations! You have setup ssh authentication with GitHub AND created a git commit on a local repo.

Well, let’s trust but verify.

First, lets initialize the local repo.

git init -q

Now lets see the status of the repo.

git status

You can see we have one file that is untracked. Lets stage all new files and changes

git add .

When we look at the status again we can see all the files ready for commit.

git status

Commit the changes.

git commit -m "initial commit"

Check the git logs to confirm changes are being tracked.

git log

exit the logs by pressing q

Create a repo on GitHub

If we drop our laptop in a puddle we don’t want to lose our code!

Let’s push our code up to GitHub. First things first we need to create a repository on GitHub.


For the purposes of this tutorial we will choose private and not make any optional selections

Hook up your project to the remote

Congratulations! You have created a new repository on GitHub.

After creating the repo you will be given instructions for HTTPS and SSH; ensure you select the SSH option.

You will also be preented with a few options regarding new or existing repository. We want to follow existing repository.

Add origin

git remote add origin git@github.com:USERNAME/REPO_NAME.git

Remember the ssh config we setup earlier? The host name needs to be setup as github.com and the user needs to be setup as git in order for ssh commands to work.

cat ~/.ssh/config

Hopefully you see something like this.

Host github.com
  HostName github.com
  User git
  IdentityFile /path/to/ssh-key

  ...additional config

On our local machine change the branch name the local repo initialized to with the name main.

git branch -M main

Push the local code up to the remote repo with upstream tracking.

git push -u origin main

Verify the remote for the project.

git remote -v

Delete project from local machine

Delete all your hard work. Fear not! The next step is to clone the GitHub repo back to your local machine.

cd .. && rm -rf github-ssh

Clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:__USERNAME__/__PROJECT_NAME__.git

Final Remarks

There is a lot more to learn about git and GitHub.

From here I would start digging into git branching and merging. Also, you can start looking into git integrations with code editors such as vscode.

Bye for now!